Mobile App:
Create Locations


  1. To begin, login or create an account in the Avi-on Mobile Commissioning App. Click here for instructions on creating a commercial account.

  2. Open to the Avi-on Mobile Commissioning app and you will be ready to create your first Location. Press the Create New Location button.
  1. Enter the location name and address. In order to be accepted the address needs to be selected from the suggested list. Then press Create.
  1. Once created, the location will appear in the Locations list. Press the Back button on the upper left corner.

  1. In the Devices screen, press the + icon to go to the Add Devices screen to claim your first devices to the location.

How To Create Locations With the Mobile Commissioning App

The Avi-on platform operates by allowing users to associate their devices into specific locations to be configured. To become an Avi-on user, follow these steps:

  1. Create a commercial account using either the Mobile Commissioning app or the Mac tool called Avi-on Pro.

  2. After creating an account, you’ll need to establish a connection with a location. You can do this by either:
    • Creating a new location using any of the Avi-on apps.
    • Requesting access to an existing location from the location’s manager.

  3. Claiming your devices into a single location, creates an Avi-on network. This network enables you to commission your devices with the most advanced settings and the highest level of security available in the lighting industry.


  • Avi-on User Account: is an individualized profile for each Avi-on user. An account is identified by a unique username, which consists of a real personal email address and a user-defined password. The some previous “Accounts” are now called “Locations,” which which are physical locations associated with individual accounts. These locations are searchable in the system, rather than an email login and one user can have access to multiple locations. 

  • Avi-on Location: refers to the physical space that contains one Avi-on network. It’s possible to have more than one network in a space, but they will be listed as separate Locations in the Avi-on system.