Multiple Instances

Avi-on Pro

Supporting Multiple Instances of Avi-on Pro

The ability to run multiple instances of Avi-on Pro on one machine allows installers to work on multiple projects simultaneously, either remotely through a remote access bridge on-site or locally using a connected Avi-on dongle.


  • Must be running Avi-on Pro v2.8.8 or newer.


  • It is recommended that the maximum number of Avi-on Pro instances used at one time does not exceed three.

How to Use It

  1. Download Avi-on Pro v2.8.8 or newer onto your Mac. Ensure Avi-on Pro is located in your Applications folder.
  2. Navigate to your Applications folder and find Avi-on Pro. Right-click on the application and select “Duplicate.”
  3. This will create a copy of Avi-on Pro. Feel free to rename the copy so that it is more easily found later while using the two (or more) instances of Avi-on Pro.
  4. Launch your Avi-on Pro instances and log in using your Avi-on user credentials. You will only need to log in once since you will be using the same user account for all Avi-on Pro instances.

Now you may use each Avi-on Pro instance as if they are standalone. 

PRO TIP: If you log out of your user account on one instance of Pro, all other instances of Pro will also log out, since you are logged in under the same user.

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