LCA Respondents are highly interested in learning more about wireless, dimming, and outdoor lighting control.
In 2023, the Lighting Controls Association (LCA) welcomed 180,000 visitors who viewed 600,000 pages on our website and Education Express. In the fall, the LCA invited subscribers of lightingCONTROL, our monthly newsletter, to participate in a survey. The goal of the survey was to determine satisfaction with LCA services.
Respondents are highly interested in learning more about wireless, dimming, and outdoor lighting control, followed by more fundamentals and integration topics. Respondents indicated topics they would like to see LCA cover more on its website and in lightingCONTROL (checking all that applied from a list of topics).
The most five popular topics are wireless control (70%), dimming controls (65%), outdoor lighting control (65%), control fundamentals (63%), and integrating lighting control with building automation systems (62%). LCA will emphasize these topics in the coming year in its coverage of the lighting controls field.