access from

Can I Access My Avi-on Network From Anywhere In The World?

Avi-on is built on a new technology called Bluetooth Smart Mesh: schedules and programs live on the devices, and the Internet is optional. 

Avi-on is a distributed architecture where the schedules and programs live on the devices. That means that once you have programmed a switch with sunrise/sunset, groups or other functionality, they work 24/7–without access to the Internet or your smartphone. You can see a diagram of distributed architecture in this FAQ about Bluetooth Smart + Mesh, Avi-on’s underlying technology.

Because Avi-on is locally controlled using your phone or tablet’s Bluetooth radio, schedules and programs can only be accessed when you are in range of your Avi-on devices.

If you would like to access your devices anytime, anywhere, you can get an Avi-on LTE Bridge .  The bridge connects your local bluetooth network to Avi-on cloud services using a WiFi or Ethernet router.  The RAB adds a bunch of cool capabilities including: 

  • Remote device control and commissioning from anywhere
  • Automatically re-synch your clocks in the event of a power outage
  • Create and set up groups, schedules, favorites, etc. from anywhere

LTE Ethernet Bridge