Circadian Rhythm
with Avi-on Pro

How to Configure Circadian Rhythm on a RAB

This document will provide the pre-requests and configuration steps required to set up a location that requires Circadian Rhythm.

How it works

Throughout the day the bridge will periodically update all devices’ CCT levels, corresponding with the time of day and the Bridges

PRO TIP: If a device’s circadian rhythm CCT level is overridden at anytime, it will only be overridden until the Bridge sends the next CCT level update based off its Circadian Rhythm configuration.


  • Access to Avi-on Pro
  • RAB installed and online running the latest firmware version. Update will happen automatically if the RAB is online.

Step by Step Process

Using Avi-on Pro, login to the account/location where Circadian Rhythm is required.

  1. Once logged in, navigate to Settings, select Remote Gateway, and save these changes.
Circardian Rhythm
Circardian Rhythm
  1. Navigate to RAB → Circadian Configuration.
Circardian Rhythm
  1. On the Circadian Configuration page you will see the current status at the top. If it is currently disabled, enable it by clicking the “Enable In All Devices” button.
Circardian Rhythm
  1. Begin to configure the Circadian points in the RAB. For each point, you will need to select a time and CCT level (2700-5000K). You can add more points by selecting the “+” button. The RAB will send CCT messages to the entire network between points to smooth the transition.
Circardian Rhythm
Circardian Rhythm
  1. Once you have your desired Circadian points selected, click the “Send Messages” button to save these points to the RAB.
Circardian Rhythm
  1. Once you have validated the RAB’s Circadian configuration, you are all set!
Circardian Rhythm
Circardian Rhythm
  1. Once you have validated the RAB’s Circadian configuration, you are all set!

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